Oh those tricky Olympians

According to this article "officials in Beijing have been designing a special laboratory to determine the sex of any athletes taking part in this year's Olympic games. Suspected athletes will be evaluated from their external appearances by experts and undergo blood tests to examine their sex hormones, genes and chromosomes for sex determination..."
I don't know about you but I have known the differences between a man and woman since playing doctor as a young boy. They may not have this game in China so it is up to A.S.S. to give the Chinese Olympic officials some suggestions as to how to determine the gender of someone. Here are 10 suggestions that might help out.
10) Check the persons birth certificate. They generally note this information when you're born.
9) Take notice of the amount of hair on the person's
knuckles, hands, and forearms. Most men will have visible, dark hair on their hands and wrists, and sometimes knuckles. This could also be the case with some middle eastern and mediteranian women so use this tip in conjunction with some of the others.
8) Observe the person's shoulders and hips. Men’s shoulders tend to be broader than their hips, while women’s hips are typically wider for child bearing.
7) Look for an Adam’s apple. I'm still pretty sure only men have them.
6) See which bathroom they go to at a public place. "Womens" or "Mens". However this is not always acurate so don't let this fool you. Chances are good they will use the image appropriate restroom if they are trying to hide something. However they may get tripped up on this out of habit.
5) Be suspicious of baggy clothing. The person may be trying to conceal a bulge but this may be hard to notice in a skirt or dress. You can follow this up with #4.
4) Use the Crocodile Dundee test.
3) Put them in a room with 2 TV's. One should have on Ultimate Fighting and the other should have the Lifetime movie of the week. See which one they watch.
2)Get a sample of their handwriting. Men have chicken-scratch handwriting. Women use scented, colored stationary and they dot their "i's" with circles and hearts. It is totally annoying to read a note from a woman.
And the # 1 way you can tell the difference between women and men
Ask a simple question! ...........
Very funny.
4:12 AM
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